Decision to Leave Explained

Park Chan-wook had already established a reputation for himself by making cult classics and promoting his nation's film industry before Korean cinema and culture swept the western hemisphere. He became a well-known director and a festival mainstay with his 2002–2005 "Vengeance Trilogy" of Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, and Lady Vengeance, a reimagining of the European revenge film with the backdrop of 21st century globalization. The auteur continued to produce a substantial body of work for the following fifteen years. In addition to producing Snowpiercer by Bong Joon-ho and writing The Truth Beneath by Lee Kyoung-mi for other illustrious Korean contemporaries, he worked on the TV adaptation of John Le Carré's novel The Little Drummer Girl. He also developed his own projects, such as the chilling Stoker or the critically acclaimed The Handmaiden. He made a comeback in 2022 with Decision to Leave, eight years after his previous film. Since its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Best Director Award, one of the most highly regarded movies of the previous year has continued to win awards. Like many of his other works, this one also carefully conceals its secrets before dripping them out at inopportune times. Its slow-burning plot has many similarities to Alfred Hitchcock's storylines, which renders any predictions of what will happen useless because it will ultimately turn out to be something completely different. As a result, the movie's ending may come as a surprise to you and may not be entirely clear. To help clarify, here's what happens. The detective discovers at the conclusion of the first act that Seo-rae actually threw her husband from the top of the mountain, leaving him broken and hopeless, as part of a carefully thought-out plan. He asks her to throw away the phone she used to climb up, feeling as though his integrity as a policeman has been compromised. He then backs away from her. The plot repeats itself when the action shifts to Ipo. Hae-Joon pursues Seo-rae aggressively as the prime suspect after Im Ho-shin, her new husband and a business investor, is found dead at his home. An admission of the murder is made shortly after that. Sa Cheol-seong committed the crime because the deceased had defrauded his mother, costing her millions of dollars. He also maintains Seo-rae's innocence by installing a tracker on her phone to keep track of her whereabouts in case he ever wanted to harm her husband using her as a pawn. In order to find out Seo-rae's true motivations for visiting Ipo and to see if she was involved in this latest murder, Hae-Joon confronts her when they cross paths at the top of a mountain. He learns from her that Ho-Shin found a phone recording in which Hae-Joon confesses his love for her—a confession he is unable to remember making. His wife leaves him when he gets home because she thinks Seo-rae is the source of an affair. Seo-rae's decision to commit suicide at the end of the movie fulfills the romantic promise of this seemingly unattainable love in the most tragic of ways. She makes the decision to end her life for a very deep reason at the end of a road, with her love interest having new evidence that she has either committed murder or, more precisely, that she has assisted in murder. When he first learned about her death, he was left broken, depressed, and feeling the need to leave Seo-rae. She loves him so much that she can't let this happen again. You stopped loving me the moment you told me you did. And when your love ended, my love started. Seo-rae refers to the moment he left Busan and she started yearning to be with him in her final words before she walks herself to death. Hae-Joon never expresses his love for her outright, but when he asked to throw the accusatory phone into a remote part of the sea, she understood what he meant. Seo-rae fell deeply in love with him when he declared his love for her by letting her go and granting her freedom. She paid close attention to the fact that every case he had that hadn't been resolved was posted on a corkboard when she first started visiting his apartment in Busan. Every time a case is resolved, it is removed from the corkboard and his mind, becoming a memory and no longer occupying his heart and mind. Seo-rae is aware that she will also be a closed case now that she is aware there is no way out. She can only think of one way to express her love and desire to be in his life, and that is to turn into an unsolved case. Similar to the phone he asked her to destroy, she lets the tide drown her and buries herself deep so as to not be discovered. She now will always be in his heart and mind as her love screams at the top of his lungs and begs for assistance.


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